WHR #16 : Steve Lowell – Professional Speaker

Nov 16, 2015


Steve is an international professional speaker and a mentor to professional speakers around the world.

He’s a two-time past president of the Ottawa chapter of The Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) and he currently sits on the CAPS national board.  He’s also a member of the Global Speakers Federation.

Steve is one of only 12% of the world’s top professional speakers who hold the distinguished “Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)” designation and current speaks around the world helping speakers and entrepreneurs bring their stories to the live stage with influence and impact.

Episode #16: Steve Lowell

by Work @ Home RockStar Podcast

FAVORITE HOOK (Quotes from the Interview)

Listen to your inner mentor.

Finding profundity in the mundane – Steve Lowell


  1. Ever let your business coast.  You are either growing or dying.
  2. Simplify your life!  Only use the technology that makes your life easier and drop the rest.
  3. You don’t have to separate work/personal.  You can make them mesh together.

Steve’s Book Recommendations:

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